Department of Comparative Linguistics

Wednesday - 20/01/2021 17:26
The department was established and developed on the basis of deeply understanding of the roles, functions, as well as the typical characteristics of “Comparative Linguistics” in Vietnamese Studies and Language. Designing and executing the training programs also based on these backgrounds.
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Department of Comparative Linguistics

The department was established and developed on the basis of deeply understanding of the roles, functions, as well as the typical characteristics of “Comparative Linguistics” in Vietnamese Studies and Language. Designing and executing the training programs also based on these backgrounds.

The staff members:

  • Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuan, the head
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trinh Duc Hien
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thien Nam
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Nguyet
  • B.S. Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc
  • B.S. Vu Lan Huong

1. Functions and Missions

1.1. The bachelor Programs

The staff members take part in teaching in 3 specialized majors:

  1. Vietnamese Studies and Language (for Vietnamese students), major A
  2. Vietnamese Studies and Language (for foreign students), major B
  3. Vietnamese Language and Culture for foreigners

The department also takes responsibility for the following subjects:

  • Comparative Linguistics
  • Translation Theory
  • The cohesion and Vietnamese document compilation
  • Foundation of Vietnamese Culture
  • Teaching foreign language methodology and teaching Vietnamese as a second language methodology
  • Specilized Vietnamese on Linguistics – Literature

1.2. Teaching Vietnamese for foreigners

Together with the mission of training bachelor programs, the staff members also take part in teaching Vietnamese as a second language. Especially because of the typical characteristics of the department of Comparative Linguistics, the results of researches effectively apply on teaching Vietnamese as a second language. On the other hand, a lot of issues arising on the time of teaching Vietnamese always gives suggestions for the research theses in department.

2. Constructing and developing orientations

The department is constructed and developed on the base of strong recognition of role, functions, as well as the typical characteristics of “Comparative Linguistics” in Vietnamese Studies and Language. The designing subjects and research orientations both based on it.Especially, each subject is constructed in 2 orientations to be suitable to 2 groups of targets: Group 1 includes students in major 1; Group 2 includes students in major 2 or 3.

For group 1, the target of subject is to supply the background knowledge, and also to equip the basic skills in order to make comparison (on language, culture…) in order to upgrade the knowledge, recognize Vietnamese typical characteristics in relationship with the common Vietnamese characteristics and the different things related to the different areas, the contemporary Vietnam coutry and people.

For group 2, the target of the department is to supply knowledge of the typical characteristics of Vietnamese language, culture and society based on analysis and comparison. Because the students are foreigners, the lectures should be active and lively with the detailed statistics, which not only helps them to understand easier, but also recognize the differences themselves. Because of the typical characteristics of the department, constructing the teaching materials and lectures for group 2 is the focused mission.

3. The schedule to implement the targets

To implement the targets 2.1 and 2.2, the department will:

  • Frequently update and change the content of teaching on the basis of the comparative research on intelanguages, intecultures, as well as inside Vietnamese language and culture.
  • Implement the research theses, the survey to investigate and compare languages, cultures, translation in order to support well to teaching Vietnamese as a second language. Propose the theses and encourage students to take part in research in order to get skills on identifying, describing and explaining issues.
  • Update, popularize, apply the teaching methodology and teaching Vietnamese as well
  • Motivate information exchange, research result exchange with other faculties, other departments and inside the department as well

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